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The Basics of Spring Coiling

While most springs are manufactured using a similar coiling technique, the shape of the coil can create an entirely different type of spring. When a spring is manufactured, precise measurements are taken and prototypes are constructed to ensure the coil provides the right amount of compression and deflection. Besides the linear coiled compression spring, other…

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How Poppet Valves Keep Compressors Running

  A poppet is a type of valve that is often used in compressors and many other types of mechanisms. Its purpose is to allow precise quantities of gas, liquid or steam to flow at specific times, which makes it an essential part of engine construction. This valve’s movement is initiated by a pressure differential,…

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Compressor Valve Plates Manufactured for Durability

  In order for a compressor valve to function at its maximum efficiency, each of its individual components must be well-constructed. This includes the sealing components, which in certain types of compressor valves are the valve plates. Carefully manufactured compressor valve plates perform better for longer periods of time. Metals and thermoplastics each have advantages…

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Three Types of Compressor Valves

  Compressor valves control the pressure flow of a reciprocating compressor cylinder. There are multiple types of compressor valves, with varied specifications depending on the function they must serve. Here is an introductory description of three types of compressor valves: The plate valve, the radiused disc valve, and the high-flow valve.   Plate Valves Plate…

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Why Order Parts from a Valve Springs Manufacturer

If you are in need of new valve springs, do you think about where to get them or do you just go with a general supplier? If you don’t give thought to who makes your valve springs, you may not be getting the best product for your money. Take a moment to consider what makes…

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How Thermoplastics Improve Your Equipment

Thermoplastics are one of the more recent innovations that have changed the game in heavy equipment, especially machines that use compressors. Intense research has led to very precise materials that can perform specialized functions dramatically better than their more generalized predecessors. This means that you can investigate upgrading components of your equipment without undertaking the…

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Choosing the Right Compressor Valve Plates

Your day-to-day business relies on the seamless operation of countless parts inside machines. When one of these parts fails, it can hold up production for hours on force you to find a makeshift solution. If you use compressors in your line of work, you know that compressor valves are one of the most important pieces.…

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Be Better, Faster, Stronger With High-Quality Poppets

Guide To Selecting Poppet Valve Material-KB Delta

Poppet valves are often a preferred alternative to traditional compressor valves because they offer increased reliability and efficiency. To get the most benefit from this type of valve, you need to secure high-quality poppets. These parts are often made from very powerful and resilient materials, and some companies that supply them even have custom part-making…

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Rewards for Choosing a Flat Wire Spring

Flat Wire Springs |

  Even though a wire spring seems like a small component for your compressor to function correctly and efficiently, installing the correct wire spring is crucial for the utmost performance capabilities. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when choosing the right spring, however, one of the best types of springs…

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Parts of a Compressor Valve

The compressor valve is a simple but essential mechanism in any compressor. When the valve fails, it could be for any number of reasons. It is rarely necessary to replace the entire valve, let alone the entire compressor. There are a number of inexpensive parts that can be replaced on a compressor valve to improve…

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