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Rewards for Choosing a Flat Wire Spring

Flat Wire Springs |

  Even though a wire spring seems like a small component for your compressor to function correctly and efficiently, installing the correct wire spring is crucial for the utmost performance capabilities. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when choosing the right spring, however, one of the best types of springs…

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3 Characteristics of Quality Valve Plate Assembly Part Manufacturers

  If your company relies on compressors for your production, you know how much the valve plates take on a significant amount of wear. These plates help to create the seal needed for the compressor to function properly. When your original valve plates wear out, you want to purchase replacement parts that will last at…

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What to Look for in Compressor Gasket Kits

If your compressor stops working, sometimes the fix is as simple as getting a few new parts. If you are in need of new parts for your compressor, you need to find high quality parts and gasket kits. You want to look for the parts you need that fit your machine and are made at…

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Parts of a Compressor Valve

The compressor valve is a simple but essential mechanism in any compressor. When the valve fails, it could be for any number of reasons. It is rarely necessary to replace the entire valve, let alone the entire compressor. There are a number of inexpensive parts that can be replaced on a compressor valve to improve…

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Which Compressor Spare Parts Should a Technician Keep In Stock

Compressor Spare Parts |

Knowing which spare parts to keep handy for a technician dealing with compressor repair can be a tricky decision. Many service personnel make it a matter of policy to only order parts as needed. Others want to make sure, either by necessity or by design, to have a set of common repair parts in their…

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Compression vs. Tension Springs

A Few Facts About Tension Springs-KB Delta

For the general public most springs look alike, such as the tension and compression springs. However, they are designed to perform much different tasks. Their similarities exist in the design. Both are made up of a coil spring that is devised for elasticity and strength, but that is where their likeness ends. The main difference…

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When Safety Depends on a Tension Spring

The design of the tension spring is such that a very specific amount of pull force can be achieved as the spring is extended to a certain length. As these springs are manufactured, they will develop an initial tension. Adequate force must be used to overcome that initial tension to elongate the spring. The manufacturer…

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How to Obtain the Best Conical Compression Spring Design

How To Obtain The Best Conical Compression Spring Design-KB Delta

The capacity for superior performance in a compression spring is essential to the success of your project. Quite simply, if your spring does not perform well, then your application will be able to function correctly. How can you design and obtain the most precise conical compression spring? You will have to consider a number of…

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When to Replace Profile Rings

When you think about it, the rubber in sealing rings is an amazing material. It is a recent discovery, only introduced in 1736. It was not until 1700 that Joseph Priestley developed rubber in its first commercial use as a pencil eraser. The usefulness of rubber lies in its elasticity, defined as the ability of…

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Benefits of Quality Ported Plate Valves

Valves are essential parts of any compressor; they determine the flow of air throughout the machine. As such, it is critical that the components of the valve are in the best shape. Certain parts, such as the ported plate valves, provide several advantages in the compression process. Below are a few key features and benefits…

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