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Top Tips for Valve Plate Assembly

Top Tips for Valve Plate Assembly - KB Delta

How should you best maintain and utilize a valve plate assembly? It’s first helpful to take a look at what goes into its design and manufacturing standards. Read more below. Whatever manufacturing industry you are in, you are sure to be familiar with valve plates and their uses. However, when it comes to ensuring that…

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The Importance of Precision Lapping for Valve Plates

The Importance of Precision Lapping for Valve Parts-KB Delta

The importance of precision lapping for valve plates in a free abrasive machining process cannot be overemphasized. For instance, it can provide parallelism, flatness, thickness identity,  and surface finishes to tolerances that are extremely demanding. In the same vein, precision lapping can ensure that finished pieces are created without the introduction of heat and stress…

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Standards are Important Benchmark of Quality Valve Plate Assembly

Whether designed to OEM standards or custom made for your unique needs, compressor valve plate assemblies are produced by many different companies in a variety of sizes and shapes, and all price ranges, too. But they all have one thing in common: Their purpose is to keep your business moving forward.   Manufacturing Standards Design…

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3 Characteristics of Quality Valve Plate Assembly Part Manufacturers

  If your company relies on compressors for your production, you know how much the valve plates take on a significant amount of wear. These plates help to create the seal needed for the compressor to function properly. When your original valve plates wear out, you want to purchase replacement parts that will last at…

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Choosing the Right Valve Plate

The valve plate is an essential part of the valve assembly and act as a seal between different areas in the compressor. Because valve plates can be exposed to a punishing variety of pressures, temperatures, and chemicals, they need to be made of materials that can withstand the stress that they go through every time…

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Benefits of Quality Ported Plate Valves

Valves are essential parts of any compressor; they determine the flow of air throughout the machine. As such, it is critical that the components of the valve are in the best shape. Certain parts, such as the ported plate valves, provide several advantages in the compression process. Below are a few key features and benefits…

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Should You Use Metal or Thermoplastic Valve Plates?

Thermoplastic Valve Plates |

Compressor valve plates will need to be replaced eventually because they handle a lot of wear and tear. When worn plates are swapped out for new ones, you might notice quite a boost in the power capacity of the machine and some of the problems that had begun to appear may be resolved. As you…

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