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Top Five Signs of a Leaky Refrigeration Compressor Valve

Leaky refrigeration compressor valves, and the resulting lowered levels of refrigerant, can cause your compressor to overheat up to ten degrees higher than its rated capacity. This leads to a drop in efficiency in cooling functionality, leading to lost inventory through product decay and spoil, and a reduction in productivity and income.

To keep your refrigeration compressors working at their peak performance, make sure you incorporate regular preventative maintenance and inspection into your operational routine. If you suspect your unit may have a leaky valve, it is best to schedule a replacement as soon as possible. You can look for companies that provide durable Industrial Water Chillers and have them match your refrigeration requirements. Or, if you have a regular supplier then you should get in touch with them for a replacement.


Signs of a Leaky Valve


  1. High discharge temperatures

A damaged discharge valve will lower the head pressure, leading to a short cycling of the refrigerant and higher discharge temperatures. This occurs when refrigerant vapors are forced out of the cylinder and into the discharge line, and then short cycled right back into the cylinder. Since the discharge gases are now subjected to multiple heating cycles, they are subsequently heated to a higher than average temperature.

  1. Low Compressor Head Pressures

This short cycling of gases will lower your refrigerant flow rate to the condenser, leading to a reduction of the heat load on the condenser and a drop in both the condensing head temperatures and pressures.

  1. Higher than average condenser subcooling

The majority of the active refrigerant will stay in the condenser and receiver, leading to a higher than average condenser subcooling.

  1. Higher Than Average Superheats

Poor refrigerant flow to the thermostatic expansion valve can lead to higher than ideal superheating, or an excess amount of vapor which surpasses its boiling point. If the valve leakage is minimal, increased superheating may not occur.

  1. High Evaporator or Suction Pressure

If an improper suction valve seating prevents removal of the excess superheat, suction pressures will rise. Improper seating can also lead to a leaking of refrigerant back into the suction line after it has been pulled into the cylinder of the compressor, further increasing suction pressure.



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