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What Spring Material Is Right for Your Compressor?

Choose The Right Material For Your Spring-KB Delta

  In machines, springs can play a variety of roles. They can store and release energy, absorb shock or maintain force between two surfaces. The role of the spring and the environment that it is in will help you determine what material your spring should be made out of. Here are a few spring materials…

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Choose the Right Material for Your Spring

Choose The Right Material For Your Spring-KB Delta

From writing pens to wristwatches, springs are everywhere. There’s even that popular toy that is nothing but a big spring. Types of springs are almost as varied as their uses. The same is true of materials that springs are made of. If you’re in the market for springs, choose the material that offers the properties…

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When Safety Depends on a Tension Spring

The design of the tension spring is such that a very specific amount of pull force can be achieved as the spring is extended to a certain length. As these springs are manufactured, they will develop an initial tension. Adequate force must be used to overcome that initial tension to elongate the spring. The manufacturer…

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How to Obtain the Best Conical Compression Spring Design

How To Obtain The Best Conical Compression Spring Design-KB Delta

The capacity for superior performance in a compression spring is essential to the success of your project. Quite simply, if your spring does not perform well, then your application will be able to function correctly. How can you design and obtain the most precise conical compression spring? You will have to consider a number of…

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