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Standards are Important Benchmark of Quality Valve Plate Assembly

Valve Plate Assembly |

Whether designed to OEM standards or custom made for your unique needs, compressor valve plate assemblies are produced by many different companies in a variety of sizes and shapes, and all price ranges, too. But they all have one thing in common: Their purpose is to keep your business moving forward.


Manufacturing Standards

Design and material play important roles in producing a quality valve plate, which in turn can maintain or improve the efficiency of your equipment. Most compressor valve plates meet AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) 304, 316 and 410 cast-iron standards. Valve plates can also be made with alloys or other composite steel, but they still must meet specifications.

The AISI has established industry-wide standards to ensure the quality and integrity of manufactured steel compositions. AISI focuses on maintaining the precision and composition of steel during manufacture. On the other side of the business, the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) is an international organization that oversees the standardized testing process so that what one manufacturer lables 304 stainless steel is made up of the same material – both chemically and  physically – as all the other manufacturers.

The first few digits in the AISI designation identifies the type of steel, such as stainless steel, high- or low-carbon, high alloy, etc., while the last two digits usually identify carbon content. These numbers should be consulted when reproducing and placing valve plates.


Understanding Parts Durability

Durability of compressor valve plates is important. You should understand how long valve parts will last before they bend, melt, break or wear out. Reliable parts have the following characteristics:

  • Resistant to both high and low temperatures without damage to part stability.
  • Ability to withstand repetitive pressures, long hours of use and high impacts without cracking.
  • Resistance from rusting due to moisture and from deterioration from corrosive materials.

Reliable valve plate assemblies may mean less downtime from work stoppage due to valve failure. Durable parts can also mean maximized production time and a better bottom line.


On-site Repairs and Safety

Most often, installing a new valve plate cover can be done on-site with minimal downtime. Your business may prefer this method of repair, which can result in decreased maintenance time. Consider maintaining a stock of precision-made, quality valve plates and parts for go-to repairs on site.

High-quality compressor valve plate assemblies and components can also play a role in manufacturing safety by ensuring parts do not fail before their expected life cycles. That means fewer chances of injury from failed parts. Regular inspections and appropriate maintenance also contribute to overall safety. Visually inspecting valve plates is part of maintaining compressor performance. When cleaning the plate, take a close look at it for cracks, scars or unusual wear. Confirm that all the parts fit properly and are seated correctly.


Quality In Means Quality Out

For the manufacturing industry, standards are of great importance. You cannot have a quality part without quality materials and you cannot expect inferior parts to perform as well nor as long as a quality compressor valve plate assembly.




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