Be Prepared With a Gasket Kit
Compression is a very important part of many different machine operations, so keeping your compressor in working order is a top priority. One major component in any compressor system is the gasket which ensures your compressor can hold the desired amount of pressure. A damaged or faulty gasket means…
Why Compression Flat Wire Springs Work Efficiently
Compressor springs may not seem that important to the overall operation, but they are vital to the performance of the equipment. One aspect of the coil that increases functionality and longevity is to use a flat wire to create the spring. By having a rectangular cross section, there are many…
Top Five Signs of a Leaky Refrigeration Compressor Valve
Leaky refrigeration compressor valves, and the resulting lowered levels of refrigerant, can cause your compressor to overheat up to ten degrees higher than its rated capacity. This leads to a drop in efficiency in cooling functionality, leading to lost inventory through product decay and spoil, and a reduction in productivity…
What to Do When Your Valve Compressor Needs Replacing
A malfunctioning valve compressor can be difficult to diagnose. Signs of breakdown, such as high suction pressure and low discharge pressure, can be subtle. Even these factors may still remain within a normal range, while still resulting in a significant drop in system capacity, raising the temperature of your…
The Role of Lantern Rings in a Pump System
There are a number of parts that keep pump systems operating efficiently. One of the most important, yet overlooked pieces is the lantern ring. The lantern ring rests between two packing sets, keeping lubrication in place and away from other vital pump parts. Lantern rings provide the necessary separation between…
The Basics of Spring Coiling
While most springs are manufactured using a similar coiling technique, the shape of the coil can create an entirely different type of spring. When a spring is manufactured, precise measurements are taken and prototypes are constructed to ensure the coil provides the right amount of compression and deflection. Besides the…
The Advantages of Conical Springs
The design, shape and material of your springs affects the functionality and efficiency of their application. When ordering springs for your product, it is important to understand how the dimensions and shape impact the maximum performance of a spring. Conical springs, in particular, have a strength and stability during…
Why Customized Coil Spring Manufacture is Important
Making high-quality compressor components is both an art and a science. Springs are integral parts for any compressor, and their performance is vital to overall compressor operation. Choosing to work with a manufacturer who delivers springs that are customized to your specific needs is important to your long-term success.…
The Beauty of Thermoplastic Compressor Rings
Manufacturing high-quality compressor components is both an art and a science. Compressor rings are integral parts for any compressor. Metal rings have a long history, but advances have been made in developing other strong, durable materials that can withstand harsh operating conditions. Modern thermoplastics offer an attractive alternative to metal…