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Signs You’ve Chosen a Reliable Supplier for Industrial Compressor Rings

Although compressor rings are used in many industries, the market for them is relatively specific. Therefore, it is very advantageous to develop a partnership with a company that is reliable enough to fulfill your need for spare compressor parts, including compressor rings, through the years. There are several indicators your desired supplier is a reliable…

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The Importance of Lantern Ring Placement in Pump Maintenance

The Importance Of Lantern Ring Placement In Pump Maintenance-KB Delta

Proper pump packing assembly and maintenance is of utmost importance to avoid pump breakdowns. Corrosion resistance for compressors that require lubrication is aided by the design of the valve’s compressor rings, but lubrication cannot be properly dispersed if rings are placed improperly or missing. Careful placement of quality lantern rings in your packing assembly decreases…

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