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Laser Cut Stainless Steel: What’s the Process?

Laser Cut Stainless Steel: What's the Process? - KB Delta

Do you know what goes into the laser cut stainless steel process? It’s quite beneficial to understand everything you need to know, including its importance in the manufacturing industry. Sophisticated metalworking processes nowadays have included the use of today’s innovative technology. Laser metal cutting is one of the modern processing methods used extensively today. And…

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The Importance of Flow Assurance in the Oil and Gas Industry

Importance of Flow Assurance in the Oil and Gas Industry - KB Delta

What does the term, flow assurance, exactly entail? It’s important to learn more about and keep in mind when it comes to the oil and gas industry. Read more below. The ever-increasing demand for energy, as well as the non-stop fluctuations in the prices of oil and natural gas, has called for an in-depth review…

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Understanding Pipe Fittings in Manufacturing

Understanding Pipe Fittings in Manufacturing - KB Delta

What should you know about pipe fittings in manufacturing? There are extensive methods to understand and consider when it comes to your manufacturing needs. Read more below.   Understanding pipe fittings in manufacturing processes is an important area in piping engineering that needs utmost attention. While the term ‘pipe fittings’ is related to the ones…

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Look for High-Quality Compressor Replacement Parts

Look for High-Quality Compressor Replacement Parts - KB Delta

Finding the best compressor replacement parts begins by searching for the best compressor manufacturing company. There are important factors to consider, which you can read below. When you are looking for compressor replacement parts, you want to be sure that you obtain a high-quality product that exceeds expectations. When your equipment is important enough to…

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Compression Force Testing: Why It’s Important and How It’s Done

The Importance of Compression Force Testing - KB Delta

Why compression force testing you may ask? It’s a vital step in the process of producing durable products. Read further on what you should know and how the testing works.   What is Compression Force Testing? Compression force, which is sometimes referred to as compressive force, happens when an object is pressed inward by a…

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The Main Types of Pipe Flanges to Know

The Main Types of Pipe Flanges to Know - KB Delta

It’s ideal to know the different types of pipe flanges in order to know what’s best for your engineering needs. Learn everything you need to know below. Pipe flanges are circular-shaped piping components that attach pipes to connect or block other components like nozzles, valves, special items, etc. After welding, these are the second-most-popular joining…

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Main Types of Flange Gaskets Used in Pipes

Main Types of Flange Gaskets Used in Pipes - KB Delta

There is a reason for the creation of different types of flange gaskets. They each provide a different use, depending on the application and environment. Below is a breakdown of the main ones to know. The main types of flange gaskets used in pipes (in the oil and gas industry) help to prevent leakage from…

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Why Manufacturing Safety Is Important Now More Than Ever

Why Manufacturing Safety Is Important Now More Than Ever - KB Delta

Strict manufacturing safety is not only necessary during this pandemic, but it also helps to improve productivity and overall success. Learn more below. There are more reasons than one why manufacturing safety is important now more than ever in the equipment manufacturing industry. The coronavirus pandemic, for instance, has brought about a need to provide…

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Types of Flow Meters Used in the Oil and Gas Industry

Types of Flow Meters Used in the Oil and Gas Industry - KB Delta

There are different types of flow meters helping to maintain the effective production of oil and gas. Here’s a guide with all the details to know about them. Searching for energy around the world includes crude oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear power, and renewable energy. Crude oil has been less than $100 per barrel for…

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The Benefits of Using a Low Pressure Molding Process

The Benefits of Using a Low Pressure Molding Process - KB Delta

How does low pressure molding work exactly and what are the benefits? If these are your questions, then here is a guide with helpful details about this beneficial process. Read on. It is always higher primates’ desire to create new things out of dirt and nothing. Take for a quick instance, from iron to cotton,…

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