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What You Should Know About Wire Springs

How much do you know about the different types of wire springs and their beneficial uses? Here is a helpful guide on everything you should know.

What You Should Know About Wire Springs - KB Delta


Springs are an integral part in nearly all machinery. They work to bare tension by flexing with motion, and as such, they are subject to nearly constant wear. This means that if you do not invest in springs that are made of high quality materials, they might break easily or damage the rest of your machinery.

In order to prevent this, you should select springs made of the best quality and familiarize yourself with the different types of springs that are available: compression springs, tension springs, and flat wire springs.


1. Compression Springs

These springs, as the name suggests, are most commonly used in compressors. There are several differences that differentiate these from their counterparts made for other purposes.

You will notice that they are more loosely wound than other types of springs and composed of thicker wire. These features make them optimal for handling the constant force of pressure they endure within machinery. You will most commonly find them in switches, mattresses, cell phones, and watches.


2. Tension Springs

Tension springs, alternately, are very tightly wound. They are designed this way so that they may stretch to accommodate pressure and then return to their original position quickly. This draws the connecting parts back in, too.

The wire in these tends to be thinner so that they are more flexible and durable that other springs. They are commonly used in robotics, locks and trampolines.


3. Flat Wire Springs

Flat wire springs are commonly found in many machines and tools. They are a popular choice because their flat shape can reduce failure and make them last longer. Their shape also means that pressure is more evenly distributed, and the wire of the spring can store more energy than its round-wired counterparts.

These springs are also often loosely wound, so tension can be further absorbed and breakage is prevented. These springs are used in virtually all industrial machinery, including pumps and compressors.


Understanding Wire Springs

As a result of natural wear and tear or accidental damage, a compressor valve may require a replacement of parts. A new wire spring may be among those necessary parts to replace.

Understanding the operating conditions of the wire spring is necessary to determine the best type.


Operating Conditions Determine Wire Spring Performance

The performance of custom-made wire springs depends on the operating conditions and the reaction of the metal material. Room temperatures could lead to corrosion of the wire spring, which thus affects the performance integrity of the custom wire spring.

Other operating conditions to consider include the fatigue strength of the material. The expected stresses on the wire spring helps to determine the best material for the custom-made wire spring.


What You Should Know About Wire Springs - KB Delta


Music Wire Springs

Industrial machinery is composed of several important pieces. Music wire springs are commonly used for numerous apparatuses. The construction of the wire and its many uses and advantages make it a consistent choice for different kinds of machines and apparatuses.

There are a few key facts that you should know about music wire, as well as music wire springs.



The specific construction of music wire sets it apart from other wiring and enhances its attractiveness for industrial use. Unlike other types of wire that are commonly manufactured, music wire is not made of bundles of smaller wires that are twisted together.

However, it can be manipulated quite easily, which is how the music wire spring is created. The wire is made of high-carbon steel, which allows it to withstand great levels of stress. It is also quite flexible, so the springs can be altered to provide various levels of strength in different machines.



Music wire was originally designed to be used in piano strings, which explains its name. However, its uses have expanded over the years.

Due to its high tensile strength, many manufacturers have found use for it in a wide variety of machines because it is able to withstand higher levels of stress. One of the main ways in which music wire is utilized is for surgical purposes. It is also used quite often in spring manufacturing.



The use of music wire springs presents a few advantages. The springs can be used for a plethora of machines and products that require a spring application.

Rather than having several different parts, the music wire is one single piece, which helps to increase its strength. This also eliminates the possibility of it unraveling and pieces breaking off or coming apart.

With its flexible nature, it can also fit in tight spaces and can be manipulated as need be, which makes it extremely versatile to meet the specific needs for the machinery it is commonly used for.


Design Considerations

When working with music wire springs, there are a few design considerations that you should keep in mind:


  • The wire works at optimal levels up to 250 degrees, after which point it loses roughly five percent of its load.
  • The material is meant to be used for cold-coiled springs.
  • They should not be welded.
  • It has little corrosion resistance.
  • Music wire springs can undergo electro-mechanical and non-electro-mechanical processes.
  • The wire can be ordered in different shapes and finishes to meet your specific needs.
  • To improve fatigue life, shot-peening can be used on the wire.


These design features are general specifications that apply to all music wire springs. However, there may be additional considerations for your specific springs, depending upon how they are crafted.



By understanding this guide of key information, you can be sure to utilize your wire springs at optimum levels.

It is also quite beneficial to enlist the assistance of a qualified wire spring manufacturer. Not only can you receive the springs you need, but you can also have them specifically designed and crafted to meet your particular needs.


What You Should Know About Wire Springs - KB Delta

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