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Three Steps to Finding the Right Lantern Rings

Lantern Rings | KB Delta

Maintaining pumps can be a huge hassle if you have to disassemble each piece in order to perform the necessary work. Lantern rings are a part commonly used in both pumps and compressors that make operation and maintenance exponentially easier. They are used to hold together a bearing surface while allowing the passage of lubrication or water. This allows for easy manipulation, adjustment and repair. If you are looking for this specific piece, how can you tell which will be the right choice?

1. Choose the Right Material

Most lantern rings are composed of polytetraflueroethylene, or PTFE. This is a synthetic material that resists heat, friction, corrosion and acid. Some of its most common uses include application on pumps carrying wastewater, sanitary equipment, rotary gears and turbine pumps. You may, however, choose a glass-infused PTFE material for some uses. It is estimated that this compound has 40 percent better compressive abilities than virgin PTFE.

2. Select the Correct Size

Lantern rings come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so if you are not careful, it can be easy to end up selecting the wrong one. Even if it seems like a good fit, the incorrect ring can allow leakage from your pump or compressor. In order to be sure you are ordering the correctly sized lantern right, you should measure the pump which it will be applied to. Measure the diameter of the shaft and note the placement of the seal.

3. Install Lantern Rings Carefully

Most suppliers offer the option to order either full lantern rings of half rings. Half rings allow for easier installation and removal, but both are simple to apply if you are careful and attentive. Clean the surface of the pump, and install each ring one at a time. Once each is placed, ensure proper positioning by placing a small object through one of the holes to verify a clear path. Inspect the seal, and enjoy your new lantern rings.



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