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The Basics of Spring Coiling

Coil Springs |

While most springs are manufactured using a similar coiling technique, the shape of the coil can create an entirely different type of spring. When a spring is manufactured, precise measurements are taken and prototypes are constructed to ensure the coil provides the right amount of compression and deflection. Besides the linear coiled compression spring, other basic types of spring coils include:


  • Coned or conical springs
  • Variable-pitch springs
  • Nested compression springs


Conical Springs


Unlike traditional coils, conical springs have a tapered coil, where the diameter is larger on one end than it is on the other. This allows for greater compression forces on the smaller end, while having lesser forces on the wider end. Coned springs can also be compressed flat, down to the solid height of the coil wire, minimizing the amount of space needed for its full compression.


Variable-Pitch Springs


As the name suggests, variable-pitch springs have different compression loads at different points along the coil. This means a spring can start off with low-resistance compression, then become harder to compress after a certain point.Variable-pitch springs are ideal for inconsistent or rapid changes in force loads, as they can adjust to many situations.


Nested Compression Springs


When a single spring cannot provide enough strength for its application, a nested compression spring may be the solution. A nested compression spring is actually one spring within another spring. When they are manufactured, their coils must run in opposite directions, and the inner diameter must be smaller than the outer one. This is to ensure that they nest properly within one another.


When ordering coiled springs, it is important to understand the application and the amount of compression, or force, you need them to withstand. Each coil design offers unique advantages depending on the intended use. Work with your spring manufacturer on a design that is optimized for your compression and load-bearing needs.



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