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How Is Natural Gas Transported? A Guide to Pipeline Transportation

How Is Natural Gas Transported? A Guide to Pipeline Transportation - KB Delta

How is natural gas transported? Natural gas is a fossil fuel that is commonly used for heating, cooking, and powering electricity generators. It is also an important feedstock for chemical production. With the increasing demand for natural gas, efficient and reliable transportation methods are essential to ensure the supply meets the demand. In this article,…

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The Growth Of The Natural Gas Market

The Growth Of The Natural Gas Market - KB Delta

The natural gas market keeps growing, thanks in part to advancements in blockchain technology that helps to track assets (an important part of the established gas markets). Between 2010 and 2021, the share of gas in power generation increased from 23% to 30%, showing how the market is increasing. Read more on this important topic…

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What Is Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)?

Liquefied Natural Gas | KB Delta

Natural gas presents аn exciting alternative tо petroleum bесаuѕе оf its abundance and rеlаtіvеlу inexpensive рrісе. While іt’ѕ not a rеnеwаblе fuel lіkе ѕоlаr оr wind power, it could present a bridge toward a mоrе renewable-based energy future. But what is natural gas, and how does it become liquefied natural gas (LNG)? Natural gаѕ іѕ gаѕ…

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Natural Gas Industry: Keeping the Transfer Pipes Safe

    With natural gas posing more problems than other hydrocarbon products, safety is the lynch-pin of all operations within the industry. It is only in recent years that natural gas has become a viable energy form due to advances. These advances have been made in overcoming the difficulties in transporting gas from the well…

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