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5 Ways to Lower Manufacturing Costs With Compressor Design

Achieving maximum efficiency is every manufacturer’s goal; and that goal just got easier with these 5 tips to reduce manufacturing costs with compressor design.

Improving Efficiency and Decreasing Manufacturing Cost With Compressor Design | KB Delta

Maximum efficiency provides for faster production at less cost, can help lessen environmental impact, and makes for happier customers and distributors, who always appreciate savings.

To achieve higher levels of efficiency, the various systems and processes of a manufacturing unit would need to be managed optimally. In doing so, there may be an assurance of higher productivity as well as quality deliverance. Often, labor processes may find faults somewhere which could cause a break in the smooth flow of production. This may eventually boil down to the managerial skills of the person in charge of the unit. Introducing a facility management system to assist the manager in such cases could facilitate a more seamless flow of production processes.

Modernizing and capitalizing on efficiency at every turn in the design phase might contribute to pared-down capital outlay when the product on paper becomes a reality on the conveyor belt.

On a more technical aspect of production, focusing on compressor design can quickly create a variety of paths to lower manufacturing costs.

Use the following five ways to lower manufacturing costs with compressor design.

1) Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Optimization of time, material, labor, and production timelines begins before blueprints are even considered or delivered.

When in the design phase of a compressor, carefully research local regulations and national Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules to ensure regulatory compliance.

Taking care to meet these expectations early in the process can avoid:

  • Costly fines
  • Forced redesign
  • Labor costs

OSHA guidelines aren’t the only considerations to watch.

What About Environmental Impact?

Compressor design should also take into account any potential environmental impacts of manufacturing.

When these matters are reviewed and understood, they can be folded into each aspect of compressor manufacturing.

Rushing into the process or trusting to chance that non-compliance won’t be noticed are recipes not only for more stressful manufacturing and potential costly fines; they can also erode consumer confidence and create an atmosphere of distrust and shoddy ethics within the workplace.

Different Compressor Valve Parts | KB Delta

2) Provide High Quality Intake

Compressors which provide for clean intake are a must no matter the potential innovation.

When a compressor design provides for strong intake quality, it will benefit both the manufacturer and end user.

Carefully designed compressors which help prevent contamination at the intake can help increase capacity.

Preventing pressure drops while a compressor is in operation regulates energy consumption, and paying attention in the design phase to what ambient conditions might be will lower manufacturing costs.

The Importance of Efficient Intake:

A clean and efficient compressor design with consideration in these matters will ensure that the customer has realistic expectations for performance.

Deliberating on all aspects of air intake and filtration during the design phase means relying on already proven principles and obeying basic laws of physics and energy transfer.

Providing for high quality air intake impacts the design and performance of the rest of the unit, so bestowing plenty of time, measurement, and thought in this arena benefits the manufacturing process throughout.

3) Avoid Overdesign and Runaway Operational Costs

It can be tempting to focus on compressor design in terms only of what is modern, new, and possibly automated.

However, manufacturing costs can quickly run away from even the most frugal designer when operating costs aren’t considered.

Overdesign is fatal to the sustainability of a successful, reliable, widely applicable compressor.

Not only does designing a compressor which is overkill for its function indicate a lack of understanding where basic mechanics are concerned, it can communicate a lack of consideration for the customers’ needs.

The Results of Overdesign:

Overdesign of a compressor can lead to many issues. Operational costs can rapidly rise to cover:

  • Custom parts
  • Complicated manufacturing procedures
  • Specialized labor

The sourcing and constant supplying of materials which are not readily available can also quickly drive up costs.

While it’s important to provide quality components for any compressor, excessively heavy or expensive materials might ironically not only increase production costs, but also decrease performance efficiency.

Contact Us Today For Compressor Parts or Repair | KB Delta

4) Balance Modernization with Trendiness

Modernization is vital to strong compressor design, as it increases consumer confidence, creates a sense of ownership and pride for employees, and drives the industry forward.

When designers keep abreast with new developments in compressor design, they benefit both the manufacturer and the customer.

While implementing new technology might be daunting and demand an outlay of capital at the beginning of the manufacturing process, it’s essential to maintain pace with competitors and end-user expectations. As a manufacturer, you should be looking for ways to optimize the process without compromising on profits. So, you should not be afraid to invest in things such as financial forecasting software or AI technology to help modernize your process.

It’s important, however, to avoid jumping into new technologies and innovations simply because they are new.

Understanding Your Needs:

Investing in research and development may not be in the budget for each manufacturer and developer, but carefully watching innovations and discerning if they will become trends or permanent market directions can be the difference between establishing oneself as an industry leader or scrambling to catch up, potentially cutting corners or rushing design in the process.

Relying on instinct isn’t enough; reach out to contacts in the

  • Engineering
  • Research
  • Technological
  • Marketing

These aspects of compressor design and performance can help guide major decisions.

Noting where other industries are leaning can be helpful.

For example, many consumers have come to embrace the concept of regulating and monitoring their homes remotely, either via cameras or smartphone technology.

This is important to remember when designing and integrating compressors with new systems.

On the other hand, while Google Glass was met with great fanfare and press interest, consumer demand never quite materialized.

Manufacturers and designers need not see precisely into the future, but, based on experience and knowledge of the technology they know well, they should be able to make reasonable guesses on what is an actual market shift and what is a temporary Twitter hashtag.

5) Avoid False Economy

It may seem easy to design compressors without regard to the quality of material.

However, allowing for weak, compromised, and low-quality components is a quick way to not only distribute an inferior product. It can, in the end, actually raise manufacturing costs.

False economy is a dangerous trap in the design and manufacturing world.

For example, weak steel might be cheaper in bulk, but it could foul manufacturing equipment, calling for potential labor overtime and expensive repairs.

  • Attempting to drastically reduce cost through inferior equipment and materials can result in regret sooner than one might think.
  • A quick recovery might be possible in the short term, but false economy is almost always the result of shoddy planning and a desire for short term gain.

Patience, outlay for experienced professionals, commitment to decent tools and material, and deep knowledge of the product and industry can help avoid the temptation to falsely economize.

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