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Compressor Valve Parts are not Just Parts

Compressor Valve Parts | KB Delta


Your business is like a machine with many parts and functions. When one of those parts breaks down or stops, it could bring business to a halt. The same scenario applies to compressors, which can be said to be machines with many parts. Compressors could also be considered “parts” of other machines.

For compressor valve parts manufacturers and their customers, it is essential that compressor valve parts continue to evolve, offering longer lives and lower costs. A longer life relates to fewer unplanned shut-downs, which helps decrease losses in time and money due to the machine being offline.


Under Pressure

A crucial component of meeting the increasing expectations of industry is making compressor valve plates more and more resistant to ever-higher thermal demands and providing increased stability at ever-higher speeds. Valve plates are an integral part in a variety of compressor operations with varied temperatures and gas components. They create a seal between varying pressures zones on the inside of the compressor. When differential pressures are reached between two zones, the plates open to allow gases to move from high- to low-pressure areas during the compression cycle.

The plates must be strong enough to withstand continual pressure from high impacts, and resist fatigue, or wearing, as well. Oftentimes, acidic or caustic gases are in play, so compressor plates must also be able to withstand corrosion.


Valve Plate Materials

Thermoplastics, metals and nylon are all used in producing compressor valve plates. Each has its own benefits, so consider what each can do for your unique needs. The ability to withstand corrosion and/or high temperatures and absorb moisture are all features of different materials.

  • Metal plates are known for their durability and ability to hold up to the pressures of continuous impact. For environments that are free of corrosive elements and chemicals, iron and low-carbon steel can be used. With hydrogen sulfide in small amounts, nodular iron may be preferred over steel because it withstands cracking that can be caused by corrosion. Stainless steel resists corrosion caused by gas and other caustic elements and therefore is preferred in more corrosive environments.
  • Nylon is considered an advanced polymer, or thermoplastic. These polymers can operate in temperatures of more than 400 degrees F without breaking down. Thermoplastic ported plates provide a better seal than metallic plates because of their flexibility, which helps them conform to seats and provide a better seal. They also have strong ability to withstand impact, wear and debris.
  • PEEK thermoplastics offer great resistance to chemical and mechanical stresses and maintain that resistance despite high temperatures. There are a variety of PEEK compounds, such as glass-filled, unfilled, carbon-fiber reinforced grades, friction and wear grades, and more, each with different abilities and uses.


Check With an Expert

Because these materials and their qualities are unique you should discuss options and benefits directly with a trusted valve plate manufacturer, who can advise you on plate performance in your manufacturing environment. Look for expert advice from a compressor valve parts manufacturer with a good and long track record who is also at the forefront of new technologies and materials.





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