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How to Keep a Valve From Breaking Too Soon

How To Look After Your Compressor Valve-KB Delta

Often fragile and always in a position of great importance, valves are the practical cornerstone of many operations. Like any other mechanical fitting, valves possess a finite service life, meaning that sooner or later they will degrade and be in need of replacing. An ineffective or damaged valve can have disastrous consequences for a business…

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Two Methods of the Blow Molding Process

Blow Molding | KB Delta

What is Blow Molding? Blow molding is a process in manufacturing that creates hollow or shaped thermoplastic parts from a melting pot of polymer. The processes always begin with the polymer being melted down so that the machine can pull from the vat and inject the polymer into molds. These molds will allow the polymer…

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Understanding the Basics of Valve Dynamics

Of the many technical aspects which face the engineering industry, understanding the forces at work inside a system is perhaps the single most important, and also one of the most complex to fully comprehend. Within both pneumatic and hydraulic systems, valves are an integral part of the design which contributes to the efficient and safe…

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The Natural Gas Gathering Process

The Natural Gas Gathering Process-KB Delta

With a huge recent investment in natural gas reclamation, America has seen a recent upsurge in the amount of natural gas being produced. In 2009 America became the largest producer of dry natural gas in the world. As of the end of 2016, figures show that almost 25% of the world’s gas is being produced…

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Types of Marine Air Compressors and Their Uses

Types of Marine Air Compressors and Their Uses-KB Delta

Air compressors perform a variety of functions in marine environments. The primary purpose of an air compressor is to take in air and compress it to decrease its volume and increase its energetic potential. When released from the marine air compressor tanks, the air is able to return to its original volume. This process provides…

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Hermetic Motors and Compressors: The Pros and Cons

Hermetic Motors And Compressors: The Pros and Cons-KB Delta

A hermetic motor or compressor works just like any other unit. The primary difference is based on how the system is structured and compartmentalized. Hermetic compressors have a completely sealed structure, which makes them completely air-tight. The compressor and motor pieces are contained within a sealed compartment that cannot be accessed without breaking the seal…

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PET Plastics in the World Today

Why Is Pet Plastic Becoming So Popular?-KB Delta

Polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, is a material often used in water bottles and in the creation of polyester textiles. The reason PET plastic is a preferred option is because it’s considered safe for use in regards to holding food and beverages intended for human consumption, as well as safe against the skin. But beyond the…

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Choosing A Reliable Compressor Valve Manufacturer

Choosing A Compressor Parts Manufacturer to Buy From-KB Delta

With a variety of uses, compressors play an important role in many modern machines. Due to the nature of their role in a machine, the fittings are exposed to a constant pressure, which leads to natural deterioration of the equipment. There are various replaceable components inside a compressor, each performing their own unique function within…

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Compressor Repair Service: The Sum of its Parts

Compressors are complex pieces of machinery that are typically used to supply different types of gasses at increased amounts of pressure. They are made and appear in different forms and sizes and are used in a variety of different fields. Whether involving activities at a person’s home or small business, or having use in larger…

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Compressor Valve Springs are the Heart of a Compressor

Compressor Valve Springs Are The Heart Of A Compressor-KB Delta

  Let’s just put it out there. Valve failures are the biggest cause of unscheduled compressor shutdowns, which can be costly in terms of production and manpower losses, and valve springs are the biggest cause of those failures. Therefore, controlling costs of an unscheduled shutdown due to mechanical failure means creating longer-lived compressors and that,…

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