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Why Manufacturing Safety Is Important Now More Than Ever

Strict manufacturing safety is not only necessary during this pandemic, but it also helps to improve productivity and overall success. Learn more below.

Why Manufacturing Safety Is Important Now More Than Ever - KB Delta

There are more reasons than one why manufacturing safety is important now more than ever in the equipment manufacturing industry. The coronavirus pandemic, for instance, has brought about a need to provide a conducive working environment and enhanced safety for your employees.

In return, your manufacturing process will improve significantly, thereby resulting in immense profit in the long run.

Therefore, let’s show you simple ways you can maintain a culture of safety in your organization, even in the face of a pandemic.

Top Reasons Employee/Manufacturing Safety is Important

One of the best ways to engage with your employees and make them feel relevant is to be concerned with their safety. In this way, you’ll make your employees feel valued and be confident that you are concerned with their success. And most importantly, that they are an important part of the organization.

It all starts with making these workers believe that they are protected from injury and are cared for – it’ll encourage them to work hard.

Accordingly, employee/manufacturing safety is important for the following reasons:

1. It Improves Productivity

Successful organizations place immense value on worker safety since it ensures the company is high functioning. As employees are protected, the companies most valuable resource is protected. That being so, these workers are in a better position to produce positive results that will boost the company’s productivity. There will also be a positive impact on stock value and cost control.

2. Helps in a Pandemic or Economic Meltdown

In cases of an economic downturn, pandemic such as the COVID-19, it’ll be entirely useful to have safety measures in place. These measures will ensure that the company’s stability is not threatened in the face of hardship.

Therefore, it is important to focus on safety and exposure control when faced with challenges to consolidate, eliminate redundancies, shutter divisions, etc. These measures will also help to protect employee relationships, culture, and those working at the frontline.

3. Employee’s Commitment

Companies find it easier to retain their employees if their workers are confident that the company is committed to their safety. Therefore, this is one more reason why employee/manufacturing safety is of the essence. Over and above that, if employees are certain that the organization cares for them, they would be more willing to accept modifications to shift schedules and contribute discretionary effort.

They will also strive to bring great value to ensure the work is done and customers are satisfied.

Why Manufacturing Safety Is Important Now More Than Ever - KB Delta

Safety Guidelines For Companies

Some safety guidelines that will enable any company or organization to still operate/be productive include:

1. Make Your Leadership Message on Safety Clear

As a supervisor, let your message pertaining to safety be clear and followed with the necessary action. In times of uncertainty, there could be more exposure to injuries, which makes it useful to have a strong and clear message on safety. It’s also important to be honest at all times, and if you’re unable to share information at a particular time, reveal that you can’t and work towards sharing the information as soon as possible.

2. Provide Easy to Access Exit Points

Employees need to access quick exit points if an emergency occurs. For instance, if they are working with flammable good, and these goods are not stored in safe and appropriate spaces (like these cabinets) for some reason, the possibility of a fire can be high. In such instances having convenient exit points means they can avoid certain mishaps while trying to move in and out of the facility seamlessly. What’s more, it is useful to keep clear usage of equipment shutoffs, which could potentially prevent workers from performing at an emergency.

3. Reduce Workplace Stress

Workplace stress could reduce an employee’s potential and, therefore, make them less productive. This stress may stem from long working hours, conflicts with co-workers or bosses, work-pressure, and so much more. The stress could cause depression or a short term illness, that could affect the worker’s productivity. Accordingly, allow your employees to take regular breaks to ensure they are not overworking themselves. A better schedule can be created to help employees handle their tasks for the day. Also, encourage your workers to adopt a good posture while working and eat more healthily.

4. Emphasis on the Need to Protect Each Other

It’ll be useful to emphasize how important it is for everyone in the company to protect each other. Fire safety, for instance, is a crucial aspect of risk management, and it has to be taken seriously. Businesses can suffer from severe losses if they experience a fire – in addition to posing a danger to employees, it can also destroy expensive equipment. If employees are injured on the job, they could also file a claim with fire injury attorneys for compensation. It goes without saying that instances like these could be detrimental to your company’s reputation. As a result, it becomes all the more important to stress how critical it is for everyone to protect one another. In line with that, take positive steps to actualize this via safety conversations with individuals and groups.

Some safety guidelines for employees include:

  • Use Tools Appropriately

It is better to use the right precautions while handling machinery instead of using shortcuts. Shortcuts could potentially lead to huge losses, which makes it essential to avoid taking them in the first place.

An instance would be using the footing on shelves to grab higher items in a warehouse instead of man lifts or other such equipment which would be right for the purpose. The former could lead to an injury while being used, which follows that it is better to use correct tools to reduce the potential for a workplace injury to occur.

  • Ensure Tools are in Good Condition

How to correctly handle machinery is not the only safety precaution to take with machines. The machines themselves must be fit for purpose with no serious faults in their components. Should a risk be found, such as a faulty battery then it should be replaced immediately. Whether the replacement part is brand new or refurbished from a company like Texas Motive Solutions it should adhere to safety standards and be installed correctly to prevent further incident.

  • Be Aware of Your Working Surroundings

As an employee, pay extra attention to your environment to get to know it better. It’ll keep you informed of the surrounding hazards and how to deal with them. On the same note, observe the working conditions of your co-employees. The goal is to reduce risks that may occur in the future while also taking precautionary steps.

  • Inform the Supervisor About Unsafe Conditions

You can also take the step to inform the supervisor in your workplace about the risks that could occur while at work. It is essential for them to provide a safe working environment for their employees, and they can be legally mandated to do so. Accordingly, get the attention of the supervisor and ensure they listen to your concerns and take the necessary actions.


Now that you know why manufacturing safety is important and the safety guidelines to adopt for your employees, go ahead and implement them. You’ll not only save money in the long run, but also preserve the health of your workers. The latter will reduce the need to find a replacement which is costly, or losing great talent altogether. Therefore, take the bold step and implement these guidelines.

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