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Do I Need a Valve Repair?

KB Delta Repair Kit for Compressor Valve Repair | KB Delta

There is no way to easily diagnose what is wrong with a machine and identifying a breakdown can be difficult. No breakdown is exactly the same as the last, so you have to stay vigilant to make sure your system is in tip-top shape. The subtle, elusive problems can often be an issue with the compressor valve. If it is broken, then you need to act quickly and begin valve repair, as lost time can result in costly bills.


Quality Insurance

Was your valve made from the best materials? How would you know?

The question is an important one when considering whether or not you should choose a valve repair.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that all of the best compressor valves contain the highest quality of raw materials.

You can ask the manufacturer directly about the finer details of the valve. If they cannot provide answers, that is an automatic red flag, and you should consider a replacement immediately.

This shouldn’t be the case most of the time. It is more likely that you will receive a detailed breakdown of the valve grade. Manufacturers will also be able to give you a certificate confirming the product’s harmonization.

Those with a keen eye will notice that superior valves have been produced from a recognized origin.

Seasoned engineers use their expertise to ensure that your valve is not a cheap import and that it is ready to work as intended.

They combine knowledge and immense attention to detail in order to not overlook defects.

Certain companies will always produce the highest quality valves, as new technology is unveiled.

Thankfully, you need not fret about the degradation of your compressor valve because there will always be alternatives should the engineer identify a defect in a particular brand.


Durability As Desired

The difference between a good valve and a bad valve is durability.

If a valve is made from good material and lasts a long time, it means that the techniques used in the manufacturing process were up to industry standards.

Most valves are known as “metal compressor valves” and are commonplace across the industry. Stainless steel of this kind is extremely durable and offers many other benefits.

For instance, it can endure a wide variety of chemical exposure over a long period of time, and doesn’t easily corrode.

Alternatives to metal valves are thermoplastic valves, which are becoming more popular.

Thermoplastic is flexible and it creates a strong seal because of its ability to adapt to the material around it.

The downside of thermoplastic valves is that they are tricky to prepare. Manufacturers inject plastic into a cast with a specific shape into which it will transform.

The type of valves you have will determine the best route for valve repair.


Contact KB Delta for Valve and Compressor Repair Kits | KB Delta


The Road to Valve Repair  

How old is your compressor valve?

If it is a newer model, then you have more reason to repair it, whereas, an older model may be more suitable for replacement.

It’s all for the sake of getting your money’s worth.

Take these steps first to determine if you need a repair:


1. Inspection

The first step of valve repair or replacement is inspection. It’s important to inspect every valve for the state of its condition.

This review is important to document any damage to then enter into a database.

Evaluations can be crucial in identifying any reliability problems with your valve. A full report will allow inspectors to make recommendations that can resolve the issue.


2. Technical Support

Technical help is never hard to find in an industry filled with valve engineers.

Many companies offer expert examinations and will make precise recommendations about your hardware.

Whether its existing valves or custom valve designs, engineers use current technology to support your system.


3. Restoration 

Finally, once valves have been evaluated and inspected to make sure it meets the standards of the industry, it is time to determine if valve repair is suitable.

If it is recommended that you replace the valve instead, refurbished valves are usually accompanied by a warranty so you can rest assured knowing that a replacement is available at little to no extra cost.

In addition to these steps, you should also check for other overlooked items.

For instance, make sure that the problem isn’t an issue with airflow. It may just be that you need to install a new filter for the system.

If this is the case, then a valve repair may not be necessary.

It’s important that you make the correct diagnosis before buying new parts. Spend money on a new part is wasteful if it isn’t essential.

Also, make sure that you examine all electrical connections to ensure there is no wiring has begun fraying.

This is part of basic maintenance and it’s good practice to follow regular procedures before following through with a repair.

It’s also important to check if safety controls are operating correctly.

If everything else is maintained correctly, then it will help you isolate the actual problem.



Repair Kits to the Rescue

Maintaining or rebuilding your compressor can be a hassle; luckily it is possible to save time and money by using compressor repair kits.

Companies keep hundreds of these packages ready for delivery so that you don’t have to worry about making appointments with a technician.

Valve repair kits are available for a wide variety of valve styles, making repair straightforward.

Any parts that are specific to a particular design are included. The kits always cover major compressor manufacturers.

If a pre-build compressor valve repair does not satisfy your needs, it is possible to order a customized compressor kit, which gives you the ability to create a kit according to your specific needs.

Typically these kits include compressor parts such as: spring plates, damping plates, O-rings, and guide rings. They might also include more depending on your kit provider.


Satisfaction and Speed Guaranteed

KB Delta specializes in repair kits and has been in the business for decades while providing the best quality.

If you need help selecting the right parts, you can expect our expert teams to service you with kit turn-around as speedy as one day’s time. Now that’s service!

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