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How to Make Compressors More Eco-Friendly and Budget-Friendly

Compressors are used in a multitude of ways in manufacturing; and reducing these manufacturing costs is possible by creating an eco-friendly and budget-friendly compressor system.

How to Make Compressors Eco-Friendly and Budget-Friendly | KB Delta

If you’re using a compressor in your system, it’s possible to slash manufacturing and energy costs in a variety of ways.

Understanding your facility and how your compressor works will help you to maximize performance.


4 Ways to Improve Eco-Friendliness & Budget-Friendliness

Here are a few ways to enhance the eco-friendliness and efficiency of your compressor.

These can be minor and inexpensive adjustments, but the outcome will leave the planet, as well as your budget, a happier place.

Don’t hesitate to speak with an industry expert for current information about how your compressor can best serve you and your needs.


1) Start With An Appropriately Sized Compressor

Compressor efficiency frustrations can be avoided by making a careful study of your compressor and how it operates.

  • What kinds of materials will it come into contact with?
  • Will it run perpetually, or stop and start?
  • How many work cycles are expected of it?
  • How much output?
  • Most importantly, is it an appropriate size for its system and workload?

What Happens If Your Compressor Is Too Small?

Placing a tiny compressor in a system which is too large, or which is expanded over time without also upgrading the compressor, can place undue stress on the parts, encouraging cracks, corrosion, and rapid material fatigue.

A too-tiny compressor will lag behind the rest of the system as it pauses for pressure build-up. The efficiency of the entire operation will suffer.

What Happens If Your Compressor Is Too Big?

Forcing a compressor which is outsized for the system it serves will soon make its presence known through increased energy consumption and potential disruption of work flow.

Know what your system needs, and plan accordingly in the event you downsize or upsize.

Shifting one part of the operation affects all the others.

Pay attention to:


All of these factors come into play when making decisions about placing an appropriately sized compressor.


2) Consider Protection Against the Elements

Is your compressor insulated against both extreme heat, as well as extreme cold? What about weather stripping and insulation? Have you thought about where your compressor operates in relation to the rest of the system and your facility?

In the event the compressor is located outside, careful consideration must be paid to the kind of environment in which it will operate.

If the compressor will be exposed to high humidity and freezing temperatures, it will require different treatment from one which is in constant heat and dry conditions. In nearly all cases, coating your compressor is a good idea.

If  your compressor is located outside, it’s usually best to begin with one that is made of a material which will naturally withstand the elements.

How to Protect It

One good option is cast iron. An alloy of carbon and iron, cast iron also contains a bit of sulfur, manganese, silicone, and phosphorus.

This means that the compressor can withstand temperatures at the same rate as steel. It withstands temperatures anywhere from between 2100 to 2190 degrees Fahrenheit.

In addition,its tensile strength is low, but the compression strength is impressive.

Despite the presence of iron within it, cast iron is naturally resistant to oxidation and rust.

This natural protection against corrosion is an enormous benefit to anyone with an outdoor system or one which is in the constant presence of water or humidity.


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3) New Options in Compressor Coatings

Coating your compressor can also help improve its efficiency and eco-friendliness.

Some compressors are not coated by their manufacturers. This leaves several options and opportunities open for the as the end user.

In the past, parts of the compressor could be coated with paint containing silicone aluminum. Diffused nickel cadmium was also available.

However, many more options are now available to those wishing to make on-site improvements to their compressor.

What Are Some New Options?

  • For example, a sealer containing metallic particles might help boost efficiency while retarding abrasion and metal fatigue.
  • One exciting modern option, ion plasma, is made of quartz sand. Since it offers a high resistance to erosion, an ion plasma coating is an excellent option for the parts of compressors which are constantly impacting other surfaces.
  • Another possibility for a coating parts of the whole of your compressor is a friction reducing lubricant. This can help to improve efficiency and even reduce emissions.


By focusing on the surfaces of each compressor part, mechanical engineers, chemists, environmental scientists, and manufacturers can all work together to not only help a compressor last longer and run more smoothly, but also provide options to those who may not have systems which are pre-coated.


4) Focus on Leak Elimination

Did you know that a one-eighth inch leak in a system with just 100 psi can result in twelve thousand dollars worth of lost energy?

Some systems lose one quarter or more to even tiny leaks in various places throughout their system.

Even if your system or compressor is not involved in releasing particulates which may contribute to pollution, focus on an eco-friendly system is still possible.

For example, if your compressor is constantly leaking water or air, the system will have to work harder, thus consuming more energy. Precious water can also be wasted.

In some areas, this can result in hefty fines.

How to Avoid Leaks

To avoid this accounting nightmare, ensure that your compressor is protected from wide and damaging temperature swings.

  • Check each component often for leaks—not just once you’re done reading this, but several times a year, especially during the change of seasons and after a snap of extreme weather.
  • Sometimes leakage can occur when cracks aren’t even present: Fittings which are not adequately tightened can emit gas, air, water, or other fluids.
  • Proper cleaning, filter changes, and constant attention to proper pressure can all help to prevent leaks or improperly tightened fittings.

Investing in proper thread sealant will help to protect a system’s joints.

In addition, ensuring that the compressor does not vibrate violently will help protect from cracks as well as keeping fittings in proper condition.

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