KB Delta

Three Types of Compressor Valves

Compressor Valves | KB Delta


Compressor valves control the pressure flow of a reciprocating compressor cylinder. There are multiple types of compressor valves, with varied specifications depending on the function they must serve. Here is an introductory description of three types of compressor valves: The plate valve, the radiused disc valve, and the high-flow valve.


Plate Valves

Plate valves are designed to withstand high pressure and dirty gas applications. There are two main components in the plate valve: the valve disc and dampening disc. Because plate valves are used in dirty gas applications, the valve disc must be resistant to any particles contained in these gases.Each time the valve disc seals, it accelerates rapidly. The secondary dampening disc absorbs the brunt of the impact caused by this acceleration, curtailing the wear on the valve disc over time.


Radiused Disc Valves

Radiused disc valves are best for situations where temperatures are over 390°F/ 200°C and pressure levels are over 6000 psi/400 bar. They are also useful for sour gas applications. Radiused discs are comprised of concentric rings, and they are made out of thermoplastics.They should be heat treated to withstand the high temperatures to which they will be exposed, and they must be designed to align precisely to their valve seats in order to createflawless seals.


High-Flow Valves

High-flow valves are best for situations when liquids and other types of debris are present in the gas that is being used. The disc rings are fashioned in a special V-shape that improves gas flow. This shape also repels any particles that are present, which keeps the rings cleaner and enables a better seal with each cycle. Thesprings and buttons on a high-flow valve are carefully placed so that they can open and close the valve in perfect rhythm.


These are just a few of several types of compressor valves. With multiple options available, it is possible to find the optimal compressor valves and components for nearly


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