KB Delta

Reciprocating Compressor Safety: 4 Things to Know

Compressors are used in almost every industry, but everything can be jeopardized if you don’t follow these compressor safety tips.

Reciprocating Compressors In All Manufacturing Industries | KB Delta

Because reciprocating compressors are present in all manner of industrial equipment, it’s vital for both manufacturers and work force to have a healthy approach to working with them.

Safety around reciprocating compressors not only provides a challenge for engineers, it demands a high level of awareness for management as well as general employees. It might be useful in some situations to have something such as safety staffing and other protection measures in place when handling potentially dangerous equipment.

Understanding how they work and the power they harness are good ways to not only secure a workspace but to also keep technicians safe and effective. This is incredibly important to keep on top of, otherwise, serious injury has the potential to occur and this brings along legalities, with employees looking at injury lawyers (people can view more about this over at related websites) as well as speaking to workers’ compensation specialists. Lawyers who specialize in personal injury, also known as accident attorneys, handle cases where individuals or groups have been injured or killed as a result of negligence, recklessness, or intentional harm. The skill of your lawyer will be crucial to maximizing the value of your case. You can get complete financial and physical healing with the help of personal injury attorneys.

Safety consciousness also can reduce worker’s compensation, time lost to injury, and operational benefits due to inefficiency.

Having a working knowledge of the importance of the reciprocating compressor, as well how to avoid accidents while operating one, is advantageous to the entire work team.

1. Make Assembly and Operational Procedures Clear

The nature of daily tasks involving reciprocating compressors can lead to dangerous working conditions.

Since they involve the output of gas at high pressure, care must be taken at every point in the process.

Initial Training

Working with reciprocating compressors requires effective initial training, as well as refresher courses.

Initial training should take place ideally with a member of the work team who is specifically prepared to deliver training to new employees.

In the absence of this, a seasoned employee who has strong communication skills can also provide effective training.


Ensuring that employees have regular reminders of basic safety procedures might be met with resistance, but providing for an enjoyable and team-oriented experience will make for a more effective session.

2. Check On and Work With the Equipment

Sometimes a reciprocating compressor will look operational on paper, but when it comes to subjecting it to the everyday stresses and pressures of constant work, the reality is different.

Carefully inspecting not only a new reciprocating compressor, but also the systems feeding and releasing its output, is crucial.

For example, a new compressor might be working well, but its updated efficiency is might be overwhelming its venting system.

If this is the case, and you are unaware of it, your compressor safety is at risk.


It’s imperative to assemble the reciprocating compressor properly, either on first use, or after disassembly following maintenance or inspection.

Studying previous accidents or near-misses is helpful for all who are involved with this process.

Preventative Maintenance

Where torsional critical speed is concerned, provisions must be made to vary speeds. Keeping the motor in good operating condition is the best preventative maintenance.

Ensuring that the reciprocating compressor contains reliable trips, protectors, relief valves, and relays will help to protect it from a wide variety of problems.

Investing in quality insulation for all vulnerable parts of the system, especially the pipelines and refrigeration system, can maintain a safe temperature and increase efficiency.

3. Develop a Strong Safety Culture

Installing a strong and serious safety culture will protect all power-driven equipment as well as each employee in every sector. A routine coordination study of your premises by an electrical engineer could be beneficial to evaluate the risks and ensure that your building and employees are safe in case of a short circuit, equipment failure, or any other type of workplace hazard.

Establishing an open-door policy and tolerance of whistleblowers is also as necessary as physical maintenance of the machinery.

Value Your Employees

Boredom can lead to complacency, so it’s wise to ensure that each member of the team feels valued and understands the positive impact he or she can make on the process.

Top-down commitment to a strong safety culture is essential; employees won’t respect even the most carefully crafted guidelines if they don’t see their superiors adhering to them as well.

It’s important to have:

Just like the parts of the reciprocating compressor, a constructive safety culture is not a “set it and forget it” event. It requires:

Sustaining each aspect of safety culture depends on the attitudes and buy-in of the employees. In an era when inattention is more prevalent than ever, accentuating personal accountability, responsibility for co-workers, and confidence is fundamental.

4. Follow Local and National Guidelines

Each locality, union, trade organization, and state might implement different safety protocols.

Ensuring that your reciprocating compressor safety requirements are not only up to code, but that employees are properly trained to confirm it stays that way, will keep the workplace a safe environment.


The Occupational Health and Safety Administration, under the authority of the U.S. Department of Labor, deals in safety and health recommendations and requirements.

Checking in with OSHA requirements beyond the minimum can help to avoid future problems with the system surrounding any reciprocating compressor.


OSHA not only investigates accidents, it also works with training and standards enforcement.

Sometimes individual states operate under a plan or code of laws which has been approved at the federal level by OSHA.

Compliance with its expectations, whether in a private or public operation, indicates care for employees and a commitment to a healthy workplace.


To ensure your reciprocating compressor is following proper compressor safety, there are simple upgrades you can make to your

  1. Operational Procedures
  2. Equipment Maintenance and Inspections
  3. A Strong Safety Culture
  4. Guideline and Regulation Procedures

By implementing these compressor safety tips, your efficiency, production, and safety will thrive.

Are you in need of compressor maintenance or valve parts? Contact KB Delta today.

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