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Your Guide to Deciding the Right Compressor Gasket Kit

Do you have enough knowledge to choose the right compressor gasket kit? It’s always good to gain more information about gasket kit types and uses. Read the helpful guide below.

Gasket kits come in many forms and the type of gasket kit you need will depend on the kind of equipment or machinery you are working with. Whether a part of a larger manufacturing operation, or simply involving a piece of everyday machinery at your home, gasket kits are tailored to fit the specific project in which you are involved.

Examples of some types of gasket kits are engine overhaul gasket kits, flange insulation gasket kits and isolating gasket kits. However, there are also many other types depending on the type of industry they are required for.

Over time, gaskets will naturally begin to wear and break down. And this is where gasket kits play their part. These kits provide the necessary replacement pieces. They also consist of the different gaskets that the corresponding piece of equipment calls for. Thus, it is important to purchase a complete gasket kit to make sure the types of gaskets are available.

Here’s what you need to know to choose the right compressor gasket kit.


The Role of Gaskets

Gaskets are a small, fitted piece which typically acts as a buffer between two larger working parts. They are made in a variety of shapes, often taking a circular or ring form, and act as a sealant and juncture between two parts. Their role is to eliminate wear and friction between those corresponding parts. For this reason, gaskets appear very commonly in most equipment. And they are used in everything from camera lens protectors to different types of engines.

One role of gaskets is their use as sealants. As liquid seals, they protect against leaks. Environmental seals guard against dust and other potentially hazardous particles and environmental contaminants. Anti-vibration gaskets, such as in dealing with sound frequencies, act as a pad or insulant to filter those frequencies. In addition, to reduce the amount of energy being wasted.


Types of Materials Used to Make Gaskets

While gasket kits are commonly made from rubber, they are often made of plastic and other materials as well. The materials selected in their construction are used because of their resistance to certain chemicals such as acids. Or because they are capable of withstanding extreme temperatures or pressures.

Along with rubber gaskets, non-asbestos gaskets are used in several applications involving acid, steam, oil and water. Cork gaskets are used largely in fields involving oil, fuel and solvents. These gaskets are made with elastomer bindings which provide significant flexibility and compression.

Thermoplastics are considered an upgrade from standard gasket materials since they tend to form a better and tighter seal and have a longer lifespan. They also tend to be more resistant to different chemicals. Rubber gaskets continue to have a strong composition and function effectively in machinery. But thermoplastic gaskets are worth considering for their added strength and resistance.


The Role and Use of Compressors

One area in which gaskets and gasket kits are involved is within compressors. In terms of machinery, compressors are typically used to supply different types of gasses at an increased pressure. They are used broadly in different types of industrial fields and in numerous applications, serving in a variety of different capacities and taking many different forms.

In the refinery and gas industry, natural gas, air, refrigeration and P.E.T. compressors are an important component to those respective businesses. If the compressors and their corresponding parts are not operating at proper efficiency, it can allow for inconsistent quality, leaks and other issues which can cost these industries time and reduced profits and can potentially affect the performance and efficiency standards their customers expect from them.


Refinery and Gas Industry Compressor Parts 

In relation to natural gas, air, refrigeration and P.E.T. compressors, the parts of which they are comprised require constant attention and maintenance. This is to make sure those systems are operating at maximum efficiency. Should any of these parts need to be replaced, it is important to have access to a manufacturer who specializes in and is capable of providing quality replacement parts to ensure the compressor system continues to function properly.

The replacement of valve parts, in particular, has niche positioning in this market and also requires someone with an extensive background and corresponding knowledge of the role and use of these components.

Metallic plates such as wafer plates, damper plates, spring plates, valve plates and cushion plates are examples of valve parts. Along with them are High Performance Thermoplastic parts, such as plates, rings, blanks and poppets. Lantern Rings, Springs and Button/Nubs are additional examples of valve parts of which refinery and gas industry compressors are comprised.


Gaskets in Refinery and Gas Industry Compressors

Gaskets are an essential part of any compressor system. In the case of compressors, they act as a buffer between the parts—such as those mentioned—within the compressor and allow them to function without interfering with each other and causing undo friction and subsequent damage. Different types of gaskets are required for different compressors. Their shapes and sizes are tailored to accommodate the specific components of a compressor. This depends on the type of system and parts involved.

In the case of refinery and gas industry compressors, gaskets basically play the same role as with other kinds of compressors, but their use and efficiency can be far more important since the compressors used in these industries tend to be more complex and also operate under more taxing circumstances given the environments they are placed within. Chemicals, high temperatures and other environmental factors can place added stress on these parts as they function.

As with compressors that function in other capacities, the fact that refinery and gas industry compressors operate in potentially stressful environments ties back into the importance of having a proper gasket kit available in the event of any breakdowns.

To begin with, selecting gaskets that are made of thermoplastics or other more durable materials may be a better option for these kinds of compressors. It will ensure that the gaskets have a longer lifespan. And in doing so, that they will also do their part in protecting the corresponding parts they are buffering.

And, in the event of a gasket naturally wearing down over time, having a complete gasket kit will make sure that the operator will have the proper replacement piece. Thereby, being able to make the repair more quickly and efficiently and, in doing so, saving time and cost.

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