KB Delta

Give Your Compressor an Organ Transplant


Your compressor has served you well, but lately it has been getting tired, or has tired out completely. Time for a whole new unit? Wait – because that solution is likely to cost you a small fortune. Thankfully, most of your compressor’s internal organs are replaceable, but again, not so fast, as some replacement products are cheap and not built to last. To begin, here is a list of some components that are available for installation in most compressors:


OEM or Custom-Manufactured?


The answer should be “either one,” but that of course depends on the quality of the product. In some cases, aftermarket parts perform better than their OEM counterparts. In any case, these are some questions you should ask while shopping around:


Which Brands Tend to Be Serviceable?


The following list of brands includes gas/oil and P.E.T. compressor models. If yours is in the list, it should be fully serviceable:


What About Plastic Parts?



Plastics have made a bold entrance into the industrial environment, and they are here to stay. One reason for their popularity is their excellent mechanical and chemical resistance, qualities that some metals are lacking. But not all plastics are created equal either. The following are some of the options you have when it comes high-quality plastic parts:


Stress, strain, melt, water absorption and heat deflection characteristics should be compared when choosing the material that is right for your environment.


The following listssome additional advantages for using plastics:


If particular compounds are used in your facility (such as nitrogen, ammonia or refrigerants) check a chemical resistance chart to choose which plastic is right for your application.


When components are chosen and installed carefully, the results can be impressive. Nothing beats a smooth-running machine. Consider the maintenance and care of your compressor as a business investment. Replacing internals such as metallic plates, springs and rings can extend the life of your equipment, allowing your company to continue operating without a big capital budget hit. When shopping for compressor replacement parts, look for signs of quality, and a guarantee for accuracy and performance integrity.



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