KB Delta

Wire Form: The Unsung Hero of Mechanical Equipment

Different Types of Wire Form | KB Delta

Wire form is simple pieces of equipment that fulfill a wide variety of functions. They are really nothing more than pieces of wire that have been shaped to perform a specific purpose.

Two of the most common examples of these forms are the hook and spring.

This equipment is crucial for many functions, in many industries.

Here, we’ll explore different types of wire forms, their materials, and why they are so important.



Which Industries Use Wire Form?

There are many industries that use wire form for essential equipment:


Most people do not even realize how extensively used wire forms are in their households:








Essentials of Wire Forms

Wires can be flat or round, premade or custom made.

Choosing the right wire form for the right job will make the equipment last longer, saving time and energy.

Other important aspects of these forms are thickness, tensile strength, and conditions of operation.






Types of Forms

There are different types of wire forms that is used for different needs and equipment.

3 popular types of wire form include: flat and round wires, customized wires, and springs.


1. Flat and round wires

These are used throughout the industry. Deciding which to use depends on application and space.

Flat wires are useful in certain situations because there is more surface area, and it can absorb more energy. It is also a perfect design for smaller spaces since the flat wire takes up less space than a similar round wire.

Due to its superior durability, the flat wire is particularly useful in spaces that may have to be opened and closed quickly and repeatedly. There may be cost differences between the two models.


2. Customized wires

These wires are necessary when a standardized form just will not work in the situation.

It is better to have the piece designed and fit for the specific purpose than to risk using a part that does not fit precisely or accurately. The better the fit, the more reliable its function will be.

Working with a specialist to design the wire form will save you time and energy.


3. Springs

Springs are a particularly useful and varied type of wire.

While they all look similarly, they are set apart by their torsion, compression, and tension qualities.

Torsion refers to how much twisting or torque the spring can take. A good example is a spring that helps to open and close garage doors.

Compression springs help to absorb the pressure from being compressed and store that energy. An example of a compression spring is one used in a car suspension.

A tension spring is very tightly wound so that it attempts to return to its original state once pulled. A common use of a tension spring is in a trampoline.



Wire Form Materials

As in an application, the correct materials must be chosen when deciding to create these forms.

When choosing which material to use, you will want to take into consideration the conditions in which it will be used.



Choosing a Wire Form Manufacturer

As with any custom fabrication, you will want to thoroughly check out the reputation of the manufacturer.

You might begin with asking others in the industry who they may have used to create their forms.

If you have no recommendations, the next step would be to find several manufacturers on the internet and contact them.

A quick check on the internet may tell you all the necessary information that you will need:



Wire Forms in Use

Mechanical equipment is only as good as the parts that are used in it. Regular maintenance is essential to keep all parts in working order to ensure uninterrupted performance.

One essential but often underestimated piece of equipment is the unassuming wire form. Deceptively simple in appearance, these forms are actually important parts of many pieces of equipment.

They are shaped to fit particular applications and must be chosen and created with care.

In fact, wire failure can be responsible for hours of equipment downtime and an equal number of man-hours to fix the problem. Utilizing the proper wire form, made from the correct material, and replaced at the first sign of wear will save many hours of grief.

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