KB Delta

The Importance of a Damper Plate

Step-By-Step Guide To Replacing Damper Plates-KB Delta

Damper plates are used in a number of different types of machinery. In most cases, no matter if they are in a motor or a compressor, their role and importance is similar. In order to fully understand how important a damper plate is in a compressor, you have to look at what it does and what happens if it does not work properly.

The Role

The role of a damping plate is fairly straight forward. It is supposed to absorb noise and other vibrations, so that the engine of the machine can run smoothly and quietly. The damper plate itself lessens these vibrations, which means that it goes through a lot of stress in its lifecycle.

The Issue

There are a lot of issues that can arise if the damper plate stops working correctly.

  1. If the plate stops working like it should, the compressor may become so noisy that even a stander-by can hear it.
  2. Because the plate is always vibrating while the compressor is running, another issue that can arise is that the plate itself can crack.
  3. Sometimes the plate becomes off-center, which means that it cannot work properly. When the plate loses its place, it can become cracked sooner and not properly dampen the vibrations.
  4. The plate can even get extremely dirty, which does not let it do its job properly.

When damper plates do not work right, it affects the entire compressor.


Get a New Damper Plate

If you notice that your compressor is louder than normal, it may be time to get a new damper plate. Otherwise, it is at least time to inspect your damper plate and ensure that it does not have cracks, is clean and is centered. You can prolong the life of your damper plate, and therefore of your compressor, by buying high quality products from reputable manufacturers. Because your damper plate is an important part of how your compressor runs, you want to make sure to take the time to do the proper maintenance.




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