KB Delta

Understanding Natural Gas Processing

Offshore Natural Gas Processing | KB Delta

What is natural gas processing?

You might be imagining that the natural gas that we gather out of the ground can be moved into pipelines to be used straight after collection, but in fact, the opposite is true. Natural gas processing is an important process that allows us to use clean, purified natural gas in a multitude of ways. Before it can be used, it has to be subjected to a relatively complicated industrial process that is used to clean and remove all of the impurities that are present.

This purification process has to begin as soon as the natural gas has been extracted, as there are a number of different factors that will be present at this point. These can determine what additional materials will need to be removed from the gas. For example, the depth at which the gas was found, the geographical location of the gas and the geology can all affect this.

Due to this, natural gas processing plants have to remove all of the additional materials that we can find in untreated natural gas. A lot of these ‘by-products’ are quite valuable. Companies usually gather them to process them further or sell them on to another company, opposed to simply getting rid of them.


How does the type of well affect the natural gas?

Raw natural gas is usually gathered using one of three different types of gas well. They are known as crude oil wells, condensate wells and gas wells. The different by-products that we expect to find in natural gas can be based on which type of well is used. Therefore, it is something that needs to be taken into consideration during the extraction process.

The natural gas that is extracted using a crude oil well is often referred to as associated gas. This is because it exists as a type of gas ‘cap’ that can be found above areas of crude oil in underground reservoirs. It can even be dissolved in the crude oil itself.

On the other hand, natural gas that comes from either condensate wells or gas wells is often referred to as non-associated gas. This is because the reservoirs that are used for extraction tend to contain little to no crude oil. Both wells are usually used to produce natural gas exclusively.

Other terms that are often used to describe the type of gas that has been extracted include sweet gas, sour gas and coalbed gas. Sweet gas contains a low amount of hydrogen sulphide, while sour gas contains a high amount of hydrogen sulphide. This affects the way that the gas smells. Coalbed gas is a term that is used to describe the deposits of methane that can be found in or around the pores of coal seams in mining environments.


What different things can contaminate natural gas?

During natural gas processing, all impurities are removed, but what contaminates it in the first place? There are a number of different gases and materials that can contaminate natural gas. These range from acid gases to H2O. All of these need to be removed during multiple steps of the purification process. Some of the most common contaminants include:


What are the industry standards of purification?

Simply put, there are no industry standards for natural gas processing when it comes to the way in which gas needs to be purified. This is because the quality standards that the gas needs to meet are specified by the individual pipeline transmission and distribution companies. This means that the industry standards vary depending on which pipeline is being used to transport the gas.

Most of the time, the following standards need to be met:


How does the purification process take place?

Different companies all use their own methods to purify untreated natural gas. However, the general pattern of purification and the steps that take place usually remain the same. All companies aim to gather as many of the profitable by-products as possible throughout the process. Some of the main steps of natural gas processing and purification include:



Purifying during natural gas processing is both complex and necessary. It protects our pipelines from damage. It also ensures that the natural gas that we use is free of any unnecessary or potentially dangerous components. Remember, the impurities that are present in natural gas can be different depending on a number of factors. However, it all needs to go through the same purification during natural gas processing to ensure that nothing unneeded is left.

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