KB Delta

Improve Machine Performance With the Wire Springs

Wire Springs | KBDelta.com

It is hard to avoid using a machine that uses a compressor valve. After all, any machine with internal components that move around gas, liquid or air requires a compressor valve. As a result of natural wear and tear or accidental damage, a compressor valve may require a replacement of parts. Anew wire spring may be among those necessary parts to replace. Understanding the operating conditions and the desired functionality of the wire spring is necessary to determine the best type.


Operating Conditions Determine Wire Spring Performance

The performance of custom-made wire springs depends on the operating conditions and the reaction of the metal material. Room temperatures could lead to corrosion of the wire spring, which thus affects the performance integrity of the custom wire spring. Other operating conditions to consider include the fatigue strength of the material. The expected stresses on the wire spring helps to determine the best material for the custom-made wire spring.


Necessary Functionality of Wire Springs in Your Machine

Flat wire springs are a common type of wire spring in industrial machinery. The loose coils enable the flat wire spring to compress flat, and that flatness helps to evenly distribute pressure. In addition, the loosely wound coils are able to store more energy and absorb tension compared to round wire springs. However, despite the many advantages of a flat wire spring, you should still find out what type of wire spring was being used in the machine that you are repairing. Compression springs are another type of wire spring. The coils in a compression spring are also loosely wound like the coils in a flat wire spring, but the compression springis made of thicker wire. This makes the compression spring better able to handle a constant force of pressure, which frequently occurs in cell phones and mattresses. Tension springs have tight coils and use thinner wire, which makes them good for applications that require flexibility like trampolines and locks.




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