KB Delta

Everything You Need to Know About Damper Plates

Damper Plates | KB Delta

Damper plates are used in a number of different industries and are an essential component of machinery. The role of the damper plate in different types of machinery is somewhat similar, whether it is in a compressor or a motor. Both will also have major problems if the plate is not functioning as it should be.


What is a Damper Plate?

A damper plate is a piece of equipment that controls air flow in the likes of chimneys and air handlers. Some industries still use manual dampers (in which a handle needs to be turned) but most are now mechanical and are designed to high standards.

Automatic damper plates are more efficient and can reduce the need for around the clock employment of people to carry out the manual turning.


The Importance of Damper Plates

Damper plates play an essential role in regulating the noise levels and in some cases, to control the rate of combustion. The central function of the damper plate is to absorb noise and vibrations that would prevent a compressor or motor to stop working or run inefficiently.

As a business, you want all engines and machinery to run smoothly so that you do not lose money or time when it comes to production and operational costs.


What Happens if a Damper Plate Breaks?

As soon as a damper plate starts to deteriorate, you will know about it.The following signs will be evident:

  1. The compressor that the plate is a part of will become very noisy and will be heard from a short distance away.
  2. The damper plate can crack due to the constant vibration when the motor or compressor is running.
  3. The damper plate may steer off center, which is when it is prone to cracking. Once the damper is out of place you will notice that it will not work properly.
  4. It is important to keep on top of dust and debris as damper plates can get very dirty and will not be able to do its job properly.


When to Buy a New Damper Plate

If you notice any of the above signs of damper damage, you should replace it at the first opportunity to do so. If you do not hear or see any damage to your damper plate,it is still important that you do not become too complacent. Check for any irregularities as part of its regular maintenance routine.Keeping your damper clean and checking that it has stayed in place rather than moving off-center can prevent cracking and will prolong the life of the plate.

We will talk more about buying from a high-quality manufacturer shortly, but essentially, the better quality that you purchase, the better your plate is going to function.Taking time out in your working schedule to clean and maintain your damper plate is essential, but if you notice that your compressor is very loud and if not performing as well as it should do, then you will need to invest in a new damper.


Damper Plate Manufacturing

As mentioned earlier, it is important to buy your damper plate and other compressor equipment from a trusted manufacturer that has a reputation for making high-quality goods. Buying cheap or second-hand parts for your machinery will only lead to problems down the line and you do not want your business to lose money unnecessarily.You want to research manufacturers and look for those that use the following procedures when it comes to making compressor parts:


State-of-the-Art Laser Profiling

Laser profiling allows for precision cutting that will enable the damper to perform at the highest standard and to meet OEM standards. The finishing and flattening process involved in this style of production creates a stronger and more reliable piece of steel.


OEM Performance

Manufacturers that use CMM measuring technology will provide more attention to detail and will ensure that dimensions are precise enough to provide an optimum thickness of steel, so that the OEM guidelines are adhered to. Taking shortcuts in terms of thickness and spring action may appear ok in the short-term, but they may not stand the test of time when they are used heavily within your business.


The Right Stainless Steel

You should look for manufacturers that use high-quality steel, with 410 and 420 being the best on the market. These grades of steel offer strength and will show greater resistance to water damage and corrosion. If you are working in the chemical industry, choosing the highest grade of steel is essential in warding off the damage that can be caused by acids.Your damper plate manufacturer will usually provide other spare parts for your motor or compressor so that you can buy everything in the same place.

The list of parts that are usually provided together are:

You can buy each component separately from different manufacturers, but you will need to make sure that they are compatible with one and another. This will ensure that you are not losing out from a cost point of view, protecting the company’s bottom line as much as possible.


Damper Plate Maintenance

If you have purchased your damper plate from a manufacturer that optimizes the finish of the damper plate, then you should not run into any significant problems. Always look into manufacturing that provides a guarantee for the components that you buy. It would also be a good idea to ask about replacement plates and/or maintenance policies the manufacturer has in place.

Some manufacturers have a servicing system in which they can be hired to come to your premises to evaluate your production system.They would do this to see if any improvements can be made and to maintain your equipment.

If you carry out the correct research when it comes to purchasing damper plates from manufacturers, you can have peace of mind.Why? Well, you will be able to trust that your compressors and motors will perform to their stated specifications,while being maintained and replaced efficiently.


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