KB Delta

How to Diagnose a Bad Valve Plate

Bad Valve Plate | KB Delta

Valve plates are essential components of an entire valve assembly. There different types of plates available that perform different functions. Plates can be used as valves themselves or to provide cushion, dampening or a spring effect. They are flat, relatively thin, rest on the valve seat and are secured with a center bolt to create a tight seal when the valve is closed. This seal is important for fully blocking the flow of fluid through the valve and building proper pressure inside the equipment.

Valve plates can be made from metallic and non-metallic materials such as thermoplastics. The type of material chosen for the application depends on the characteristics of the internal fluid, temperature range inside the equipment and aggressiveness of the environment. All valve plate materials must be able to withstand:

Valves plates must be designed and manufactured with precision to provide effective valve operation and keep the equipment functioning correctly. A bad valve plate can disrupt the efficiency of equipment or prevent the equipment from operating at all. Here are some valve plate issues operators may encounter and how to correctly diagnose a bad valve plate.


Common Problems Associated With Valve Plates


Equipment problems can be divided into electrical problems and mechanical problems. In the case of mechanical problems, the underlying issue typically involves a worn or damaged parts. Some parts wear over time from normal use and natural degradation of the material. However, parts can also break, warp, corrode and experience other types of damage due to problems within the equipment such as:

Abnormal wear, warping and corrosion are commonly due to fluid characteristics. For example, some types of material are not appropriate for exposure to hydrocarbons or chemicals, and particulate matter within the fluid can cause damage in the form of cracks or breaks.

Other than wear, valve plates can be the cause of issues such as excessive noise, discharge temperature or slow pressure buildup.


Diagnosing a Bad Valve Plate


There is a basic method for troubleshooting a bad valve plate. The key is to clearly identify the problem, potential areas where the problem is originating and specific components that are likely culprits. Once these items are identified, the equipment can be disassembled and inspected to determine the actual issue.

Bad valve plates typically cause the following types of problems:


The Importance of Correctly Diagnosing the Problem


A bad valve plate can affect internal equipment operation and cause both upstream and downstream issues. When choosing valve plates, carefully evaluate the operating temperature range, characteristics of the fluid being pumped and other environmental factors to ensure that the correct plate material is selected.

Keen troubleshooting skills are needed when diagnosing mechanical equipment problems, but valves are viable suspects when temperature, pressure, noise and flow suddenly become irregular.Be sure to keep sensors and gauges properly calibrated so that readings are accurate and problems can be identified quickly. Make sure that all operations and maintenance personnel thoroughly understand how the equipment works, can identify all the major components and understand how the components work together and rely on one another. Full knowledge of the equipment itself is extremely helpful for efficient and correct diagnoses.

Also, establish a preventive maintenance schedule to anticipate issues before they occur. For example, a manufacturer might guarantee the life of the valve based on the materials of construction. As the end of life approaches, maintenance staff can proactively replace the valve plates to prevent unnecessary failure.If changes to the fluid or environment occur, evaluate how such changes can affect the components based on their composition. For instance, if materials are not designed to withstand certain chemicals or temperature ranges, a full valve replacement may be necessary to prevent disruption in service.

Overall, choose the right valve and the right material for the job. Know the signs and symptoms of valve wear, damage and malfunction to effectively diagnose problems. Include valve inspections in a regularly scheduled preventive maintenance schedule to proactively respond to changes in the equipment.

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