KB Delta

Choosing the Right Compressor Valve Plates

Compressor Valve Plates | KBDelta

Your day-to-day business relies on the seamless operation of countless parts inside machines. When one of these parts fails, it can hold up production for hours on force you to find a makeshift solution. If you use compressors in your line of work, you know that compressor valves are one of the most important pieces. In order to get the most out of your compressor valve plate, you need to know exactly what you are looking for.


Determine the Material You Need

Compressor valves rely on plates to filter materials through each compartment. Compressor plates can often be put into contact with substances that are acidic or very high temperatures, so it is of the utmost importance that the plates be able to handle it. There are a variety of materials available such as thermoplastics, nylons and metals that can handle abrasive compounds. In order to determine which is best, you should consider which of the following features will be important:

Understanding Available Valve Plate Materials

In order to best select the valve plates for your intended purposes, you will need to do some research. The two most common are metal and thermoplastic. Metal valve plates are preferred by many because of their durability and longevity. If you select stainless steel, you can also expect your parts to resist corrosion. Thermoplastic plates are polymers, and they offer several advantages that metal plating cannot. They typically are a more reliable sealant, and PEEK thermoplastics in particular are excellent for maintaining chemical and mechanical resistance in a variety of abrasive conditions.

Finding a Great Supplier

Your decision should ultimately be determined by which manufacturer offers the best quality product. Even after determining which compressor valve plates are for you, you should do some further research to see who the most trusted supplier is. Choose a supplier that offers valve plates made from top quality materials.


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