KB Delta

Choosing a Wafer Plate

Do you want consistent output from your machines and equipment? More than likely, you do which means you cannot sacrifice quality in your replacement or upgraded parts. The wafer plate is just one of many compression system components. It has applications in a variety of performance industries. To ensure you choose the best option for your systems, it is essential to pick the right material and fit.


Choosing the Right Material

While high-performance thermoplastic can make for a truly superior compression valve, wafer plates usually warrant the use of stainless or standard steel. Especially if corrosion is an expected risk, you should stick with steel because it withstands the effects of certain acids, gas, water and atmospheric conditions.


Precision Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is currently one of the most precise ways to cut metal. It lets wafer plate manufacturers operate with a greater degree of consistency. They are able to produce higher quality plates faster and to the required specifications. For greater precision, pursue laser cut designs and plates.


Thickness and Cut

If you are in the market for a wafer plate, you need a part that will fit well into your existing system. An ill-fitting wafer can negatively impact your production and set you behind on your daily operations. Before you put in your order with the manufacturer, make sure you know exactly what you need or consult with your plate producer.


Quality and Function

Consider everything about your plate including the finish, coating and grade of steel. Without quality parts, you cannot expect full or ideal functionality. Make sure your new plate can withstand the demands of its intended working environment. If you are having trouble making choices, your producer should be able to guide you.


When choosing replacement or upgraded parts for your system, do some research regarding materials and how the part is made. Ensure you are picking the right wafer plate design for your system and you will be on your way to an operational compression valve.


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